1. 성경 각 권별 설교
  2. 월별 설교
  3. 주제 설교
  4. 절기 설교
  5. 행사 설교
  6. 심방 설교
  7. 헌신예배 설교
  8. 새벽, 금요, 삼일 설교
  9. 목회 자료실
  10. English Sermon
  11. 성경공부
글 수 114
114 Who Says There Is No God? Psalms 14: 1969
Rev. Alan J. Meenan I’m glad many of you battled this Southern California storm. How many here, just as a matter of interest are not native, were not born in Southern California? I thought so. Y...  
113 Carrying the Cross (십자기 지기 ) Mark 8:27-38 1995
Carrying the Cross – 십자기 지기 27 Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, "Who do people say I am?" 28 They replied, "Some say John ...  
112 Real Solutions To Real Problems John 21:1-19 2034
Lee Griess There's a story of a man who went to his doctor complaining about terrible neck pains, throbbing headaches, and recurring dizzy spells. The doctor examined him carefully and pronounced, "...  
111 The Right Attitude of Life Toward God Hebrews 11:6 2060
The Right Attitude of Life Toward God Hebrews 11:6 Whether people want it or not, they are related to God. There is no exception in spite of being an unbeliever or idolater. People as a ...  
110 Sacrificial Love John 15:9-17 2105
KCMUSA Sometimes before our sermon starts, I hear little whispers about someone thinking about getting married. The person looks so happy, excited and joyful. She says, I just met someone and we are goi...  
109 Encounters With Christ III: Jesus and Ni... John 3:1-17 2111
His name was Paul. He lived in a small town in the Pacific Northwest some years ago. He was just a little boy when his family became the proud owners of one of the first telephones in the neighb...  
108 The Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20 2133
The Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20 Ms. Gottfried Schmer The last sermon of Jesus Christ before he ascended up to heaven is called ‘The Great Commission’. His command to spread his teaching to all ...  
107 For an account of LAZARUS John 12:9-11 2160
For an account of LAZARUS When a man makes a decision or acts in a certain way, there is something that caused it. We call it motive or opportunity. Motive is the element which gives decisive i...  
106 The Faith of the Cannanite Woman Mark 7:31-37 2168
Brett Blair and Staff What would you think if I told you that on your tombstone would be inscribed a four-word epitaph? Well, you might respond, it would depend on who would write this epitaph--an...  
105 Finding the Golden Treasure Psalms 16: 2178
Rev. Alan J. Meenan The road to Emmaus is a fascinating road. One of the people who attend this Church, Wim Wenders, a movie director from Germany, was in Israel some time ago and took a picture t...  
104 be full of thanks to God Colossians 2:6-7 2201
Pastor Lim, Jung Suk (Daegu Pyunggang Church) Today we come to the last Sunday of this year. While we send off this year, looking back, there was truly an eventful year. There are debates standing tall ...  
103 Christians' Gratitude that cannot be dri... Colossians 3:15-17 2270
Christians' Gratitude that cannot be dried up Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell ...  
102 Giving To God 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 2275
Giving To God 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 We have done a few things a bit differently today. Lots more music. The offering early in the service. No Psalm reading. And now we come to the sermon. It ...  
101 A Shield About Me Psalms 3:1-8 2281
Rev. Alan J. Meenan There are times when life is less than kind to us, sometimes shattering our hopes and allowing troubles to bombard our minds and leave the soul in doubt and despair. There are ...  
100 The Unexplained Power of Healing Mark 2:1-5 2301
Ms. Gottfried Schmer When healing takes place, you never forget it. You remember the place and the person for the rest of your life. I know this since one sister last year healed me of my headach...  
99 That the King of Glory May Come In Psalms 24: 2304
Rev. Alan J. Meenan What do you think of a central over-arching theme that binds the Bible together? If you think there is one, what might you suggest it could be? For those of you who attend o...  
98 A Holy Boldness Psalms 27: 2307
Rev. Alan J. Meenan I encourage you to open your Bible to Psalm 27. It’s a great Psalm. Ponder with me some of the incredible thoughts that the Psalmist wants to share with us. They are words of ...  
97 The only life to glorify the Lord Psalms 103:1-5 2308
The only life to glorify the Lord Psalms 103:1-5 Rev. Cho, Y.M Glorifying the Lord is the reason and purpose of human beings' existence. Missing this reason and purpose is an apostasy and crime. In...  
96 The Sponge And Wine Mark 14:1-15:47 2311
Harry N. Huxhold Our age has been called a drug culture. Offhand, it would be impossible to estimate the amount of drug abuse in our society. At times we believe that our intense efforts and huge ex...  
95 Meeting Jesus At The Well John 4:5-42 2312
John N. Brittain The familiar story of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well is loaded with meaning. It is a pattern for considering our meetings with Jesus at various times in our ...