직접 소의 젖을 빨이먹고 자라는 아이가 있어 화재다.
캄보디아의 프놈팬 근처의 마을에 사는 소파트라는 18개월의 사내아이는 직접 소의 젖을 빨아먹고 행복하게 자라고 있다. 홍수피해를 입어 부모가 멀리 타일랜드로 일하러가서 젖이 먹고싶은 나머지 46세의 할아버지가 지켜보는 가운데 소젖을 머기 시작한 아이는 이제 소젖먹는것이 일상이 되었고 할아버지가 못먹게하면 막 운단다.
사실을 인지한 보건당국은 아이가 자란뒤에 수치심을 유발할수 있으므로 가급적 직접 수유를 지양하는 방향으로 지도하고있지만 아이는 건강상의 문제점이 전연 없기때문에 당분간 하루 한번정도로 수유를 제한하면서 점차로 이유하겠다고 할아버지는 말하고 있다.
우유는 어차피 어린이들의 식량이 되는 시대인데 이는 지극히 자연스러운 현상이 아닐까 싶다.
( 데일리메일에서)
A toddler has been suckling milk directly from a cow ever since his mother went away to find work when a storm destroyed the family home. Tha Sophat's grandfather revealed the 18-month-old had been feeding himself this way since July when his parents left Cambodia for Thailand. After he stopped breast-feeding from his mother, the boy became ill, said the 46-year-old grandfather with whom the youngster is staying. ![]() Tha Sophat suckles milk from a cow in Nokor Pheas village, 195 miles from the Cambodian capital. The 18-month-old toddler began suckling directly from a cow as part of his daily meals since his parents left to work in Thailand ![]() The boy watched a calf nurse from its mother, and began to do the same thing, feeding direcly from the cow each day, his grandfather said The boy watched a calf nurse from its mother, and began to do the same thing, feeding direcly from the cow each day, Um Oeung added. When the grandfather pulled him away, the boy cried, so he let him continue, he said. Neighbours and local officials in the village of Pheas in Siem Reap province, about 195 miles from the capital Phnom Penh, say they are not happy about the nursing. 'They blame me and have told me not to allow him to suckle from the cow anymore. They say the boy will be ashamed when he grows up and that he will be naughty,' he said. Since Saturday, he has limited the suckling to once a day. 'His health is fine, he is strong and he doesn't have diarrhea,' said Um Oeung. ![]() Neighbours and local officials in the village of Pheas in Siem Reap province, about 195 miles from the capital Phnom Penh, say they are not happy about the nursing. But his grandfather counters: 'His health is fine, he is strong and he doesn't have diarrhea'